
Like many sports, running is a sport that can teach us important life and leadership lessons. Pay close attention, and you can see that every mile and even a single stride can deliver a meaningful lesson.

After 5 marathons, several half marathons, a 2-year running streak and counting, running in over 50 unique places around the world, and reasonably consistent running over 20 years, I have experienced many life and leadership lessons through running.

My Mission

After 5 marathons, several half marathons, a 2-year running streak, and counting, running in over 50 unique places around the world, and reasonably consistent running over 20 years, I have experienced many life and leadership lessons through running.

In this series, I plan to share the lessons that running has taught me — and continues to teach me.

– Sanjay Macwan

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Happy Running, Leading, Living!